Monday, December 27, 2010

The First Keynote, Singing to Dr. Case, and Rest at Home...

Wednesday 12/15 at Tyson headquarters in Arkansas:  We worked with Josh again today and actually gave part of our speeches that we had developed.  We tweaked some and then added more and finally got the delivery on one of our stories done.  After Josh left then, we spent the remainder of the day finalizing, practicing, and timing our keynotes so that they would be ready for the next day…lookin’ forward to see students tomorrow!!!
Thursday 12/16 at Har-Ber High School in Arkansas:  Back to the classroom today!  It was so great to spend time at Har-Ber High School in Arkansas.  The day began right away in the morning where we entered a lecture type room that we would give our first keynote speeches in.  Kelsey King, President at Har-Ber FFA did a great job at introducing us and we also had a blast being able to meet so many great FFA members from not only Har-Ber but also some surrounding schools.
Tiffany was the first one up and she definitely set the bar high with her message.  It is amazing how all of the speeches really came together over the course of just a few days and also being able to see the improvements from each of my teammates (and myself).  James quickly followed suit and nailed his talk as well.  There was a quick video played about science in FFA and then I was up.  I must admit that I was a bit nervous.  Still, I was very happy with how things went and my time was right on (I was a bit worried about that because I have a tendency to talk longJ)  Anywho, there was a break then where we had some time to has a few refreshments, visit with more members, and just hang out.  While this was all going on, some of the students had to leave to finish some of their semester tests while students from surrounding schools also went back.
After the break, Shannon, Landan, and Riley all concluded their own speeches and it was then off to the Ag classroom for lunch (yes, the noon meal is called lunch not dinner…still trying to get used to that).  We were able to spend about the next 45 minutes to an hour eating with members, taking pictures, and just getting to know them more.  I was very impressed by each of the members there and it was a bit hard to say good-bye.
Later that day we went over some coaching, I took a nap, and finally celebrated that night at dinner.  Overall, today = success!!
Friday 12/17 at Tyson headquarters in Arkansas & Indy:  After breakfast at the hotel, we went to Tyson’s headquarters again and wrapped up our training over the last three weeks.  Tyson representatives talked to us about the company and we were able to ask more questions and to close out our time at Tyson, Ms. Durham shared some parting thoughts about how we have prepared for what lies ahead and that we are “ready” for things to start happening after the first of the year.
Tyson friends have been so good to us and they sent us off with a heart-felt appreciation.  We then made our way to the airport and got ‘home’ to Indy in time for us to repack and get ready for Dr. Case’s retirement/Christmas party at the National FFA Center.  It was a great time and our officer team even sang a medley of Christmas songs that we changed the words.  Dr. Case closed with some remarks about how excited he is for the future of FFA/Ag-Ed/Agriculture as well as sharing his love of others and his thanks to God.
Saturday 12/18 at Indy & HOME:  We got up for the last time in Indy in 2010 and prepared to leave.  Thankfully we all made it home safe with only minor delays!
BREAK 12/19 – 1/2 at HOME: I have been spending time at home and I must say that it has been great to be with family and just relax a bit.  I have been feeling great and things have been going well but I am glad to get caught up on sleep/emails/and all other things.  I still have a pretty lengthy to do list before I fly back January 2nd but it all seems manageable.  I have had a great Christmas with friends and family and am all geared up for 2011.  I thank the Lord for all of the wonderful friends and family that He has blessed me with, sending Jesus down to earth, and the prayers and encouragement that so many people have given me over this year!  See you in 2011…

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